free online workshops
7 December 2020 to 11 December 2020
Five Days Webinar, December 7th–11th, 2020
19.00–19.30h (Belgrade time)
DAH Theatre's new project includes "Act Your Right" webinar.
DAH Theatre’s artists will conduct this five days on-line training, passing their experience to the participants in the group or individually (professionals and non-professionals), with the aim to introduce a creative possibility of arts in articulating their own needs and civil engagements.
At this webinar, participants can attend lectures, see (video) examples of theater works and other arts, and individually discuss their own ideas and develop them with the help of experienced DAH Theater artists.
The webinars will be led by the DAH Theater artistic team (Dijana Milošević, Jadranka Anđelić and Ivana Milenović Popović).
Online workshops are in the form of webinar designed to pass our experience to the professionals and non-professionals, especially young and to empower them to creatively express their dissatisfaction, to articulate their protest and claims for their civil rights.
The working language is English.
Each webinar is a separate entity, but it is best to attend them all.
Register here: https://en.dahteatarcentar.com/.../act-your-right-webinar/

7. 12. 2020 - DAY 1
Cooperation between activism and art.
It will be led by Dijana Milošević, co-founder of the DAH Theater, director and professor at the Institute for Artistic Play in Belgrade, with decades of experience in theater and activism.
Cooperation between activism and art.
It will be led by Dijana Milošević, co-founder of the DAH Theater, director and professor at the Institute for Artistic Play in Belgrade, with decades of experience in theater and activism.
8. 12. 2020 - DAY 2
How to use public space to articulate civic engagement using theater techniques. It will be led by Jadranka Anđelić, co-founder of DAH Theater. Since 2008 she has lived and worked in Brazil where she creates plays and festivals with SEQUÊNCIA FILMES, MÚSICAS E CÊNICAS
How to use public space to articulate civic engagement using theater techniques. It will be led by Jadranka Anđelić, co-founder of DAH Theater. Since 2008 she has lived and worked in Brazil where she creates plays and festivals with SEQUÊNCIA FILMES, MÚSICAS E CÊNICAS
9. 12. 2020 - DAY 3
Presentation of theatre techniques – body and voice as a tool in artistic-activist engagements.
Led by Ivana Milenović Popović, actress / performer, she has been participating in almost all performances of the DAH Theater since 2005.
Presentation of theatre techniques – body and voice as a tool in artistic-activist engagements.
Led by Ivana Milenović Popović, actress / performer, she has been participating in almost all performances of the DAH Theater since 2005.
10. 12. 2020 - DAY 4
Development of participants' ideas: from idea to concrete action - participants will have the opportunity to develop their ideas in cooperation with the artists of the DAH Theater. It will be led by Diana Milosevic
Development of participants' ideas: from idea to concrete action - participants will have the opportunity to develop their ideas in cooperation with the artists of the DAH Theater. It will be led by Diana Milosevic
11. 12. 2020 - DAY 5
Examples of good practice of cooperation between art and activism.
Examples of good practice of cooperation between art and activism.
Video campaign, Webinars and Conversations
Video campaign, Webinars and Conversations
DAH is implementing a project that consists of a series of actions through which it adjusts the work of the theater during the pandemic period in 2020.
Faced with the impossibility of regular performing, with the help of the International Fund for Assistance of the German Federal Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Goethe Institute and other partners, we created a project that connects us with the audience using audiovisual and digital media.
Faced with the impossibility of regular performing, with the help of the International Fund for Assistance of the German Federal Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Goethe Institute and other partners, we created a project that connects us with the audience using audiovisual and digital media.
od 7. do 11. decembra 2020. (19-19.30č)
od 7. do 11. decembra 2020. (19-19.30č)
Novi DAH-ov projekat uključuje i vebinar "Odigraj svoje pravo". Umetnici DAH Teatra vodiće ovaj onlajn trening pet dana tokom kojih će prenositi svoja iskustva učesnicima u grupi ili pojedinačno, sa ciljem da predstave kreativne mogućnosti umetnosti u artikulisanju sopstvenih potreba i građanskog angažovanja. Na ovom vebinaru učesnici mogu da prisustvuju predavanjima, vide (video) primere pozorišnih dela i drugih umetnosti i da pojedinačno diskutuju o sopstvenim idejama i razvijaju ih uz pomoć iskusnih umetnica DAH Teatra.
Vebinare će voditi umetnički tim DAH Teatra (Dijana Milošević, Jadranka Anđelić i Ivana Milenović Popović). Onlajn radionice u formi vebinara dizajnirane su tako da dugogodišnje iskustvo DAH Teatra prenesemo profesionalcima i neprofesionalcima, posebno mladim, i osnažimo ih da, koristeći tehnike pozorišta, na kreativan način izraze svoje nezadovoljstvo, artikulišu svoj protest i zahteve za svoja građanska prava.
Radni jezik je srpski i engleski.
Svaki vebinar je zasebna celina, ali najbolje je da prisustvujete svim radionicama.
Svaki vebinar je zasebna celina, ali najbolje je da prisustvujete svim radionicama.
7. 12. 2020 - DAN 1.
Saradnja između aktivizma i umetnosti.
Vodiće Dijana Milošević, suosnivačica DAH Teatra, rediteljka i profesorka na Institutu za umetničku igru u Beogradu, sa višedecenijskim iskustvom rada u teatru i aktivizmu.
Saradnja između aktivizma i umetnosti.
Vodiće Dijana Milošević, suosnivačica DAH Teatra, rediteljka i profesorka na Institutu za umetničku igru u Beogradu, sa višedecenijskim iskustvom rada u teatru i aktivizmu.
8. 12. 2020 - DAN 2.
Kako koristiti javni prostor radi artikulisanja civilnog angažmana koristeći tehnike teatra. Vodiće Jadranka Anđelić, suosnivačica DAH Teatra. Od 2008. živi i radi u Brazilu gde kreira predstave i festivale sa SEQUÊNCIA FILMES, MÚSICAS E CÊNICAS
Kako koristiti javni prostor radi artikulisanja civilnog angažmana koristeći tehnike teatra. Vodiće Jadranka Anđelić, suosnivačica DAH Teatra. Od 2008. živi i radi u Brazilu gde kreira predstave i festivale sa SEQUÊNCIA FILMES, MÚSICAS E CÊNICAS
9. 12. 2020 - DAN 3.
Predstavljanje konkretnih scenskih tehnika (telo i glas) u umetničko/aktivističkom angažmanu.
Vodiće Ivana Milenović Popović, glumica/performerka, učestvuje u gotovo svim predstavama DAH Teatra od 2005. godine.
Predstavljanje konkretnih scenskih tehnika (telo i glas) u umetničko/aktivističkom angažmanu.
Vodiće Ivana Milenović Popović, glumica/performerka, učestvuje u gotovo svim predstavama DAH Teatra od 2005. godine.
10. 12. 2020 - DAN 4.
Razvoj ideja učesnika: od ideje do konkretne akcije – učesnici će imati priliku da u saradnji sa umetnicama DAH teatra razviju svoje ideje. Vodiće Dijana Milošević
Razvoj ideja učesnika: od ideje do konkretne akcije – učesnici će imati priliku da u saradnji sa umetnicama DAH teatra razviju svoje ideje. Vodiće Dijana Milošević
11. 12. 2020 - DAN 5.
Primeri dobre prakse saradnje između umetnosti i aktiviza.
Primeri dobre prakse saradnje između umetnosti i aktiviza.
DAH realizuje projekat koji se sastoji od niza akcija (video kampanja, onlajn radionice/vebinari i razgovori) kroz koje prilagođava rad teatra tokom perioda pandemije u 2020. godini.
Suočeni sa nemogućnošću redovnog izvođenja naših predstava, uz pomoć Međunarodnog fonda za pomoć nemačkog saveznog Ministarstva spoljnih poslova i Goethe Instituta i drugih partnera, kreirali smo projekat koji nas ipak povezuje sa publikom koristeci audiovizuelne i digitalne medije.
Suočeni sa nemogućnošću redovnog izvođenja naših predstava, uz pomoć Međunarodnog fonda za pomoć nemačkog saveznog Ministarstva spoljnih poslova i Goethe Instituta i drugih partnera, kreirali smo projekat koji nas ipak povezuje sa publikom koristeci audiovizuelne i digitalne medije.
"Funded by the International Relief Fund of the German Federal Foreign Office, the Goethe-Institut, and other partners: www.goethe.de/relieffund"