Embodying Essence through Absence: Performance Practice and Pedagogy Through Digital Platforms

TitleEmbodying Essence through Absence: Performance Practice and Pedagogy Through Digital Platforms
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2022
AuthorsMastrominico, B
PublisherJournal of Theatre Anthropology
Keywordsdigital performance, online theatre, performer training, screen technology, theatre anthropology

In this article Bianca Mastrominico focuses on how to embody liveness through digital platforms within the framework of theatre anthropology, looking at how remote performers and spectators interact through screen technology to discern principles and techniques that can guide online training, and creating work for a digital spectator. Her conclusions envisage a soft technology which fosters participatory practice and includes the non-human in creative processes.

URLhttps://jta.ista-online.org/(link is external)
DOI10.7413/2724-623X043(link is external)


Read my new publication on the Journal of Theatre Anthropology, Annual Journal founded by Eugenio Barba with support by Fondazione Barba Varley and in collaboration with International School of Theatre Anthropology (ISTA), Odin Teatret Archives ( OTA), Living Archive Floating Islands ( LAFLIS), Centre for Theatre Laboratory Studies ( CTLS), Aarhus University, Practice Research Cluster of the Centre for Communication, Cultural and Media Studies, Queen Margaret University.