Donations Month 2019
Dear Magdalenas,
April is our annual donations month, when we ask you to support the ongoing nourishment of the Magdalena Project. I invite you to think about what the network means for you and make a contribution that reflects this.
For me, the last year has been very “Magdalena”. As well as organising the three-month Magdalena season in Munich, I participated in festivals in Brasilia, Frankfurt and Kolkatta. I was invited to present the Magdalena Project at two theatre conferences in Germany, undertook a playwriting project with the support of Magdalena Aotearoa in New Zealand and collaborated with Teater InterAkt in Sweden, who I have met through the Magdalena network.
The Magdalena Project and its global network plays a huge part in my life, facilitating artistic projects, travel and friendships that are inspiring and enriching. I give back in many ways, most notably with my time and skills in maintaining the website and getting this newsletter to you (along with fellow Magnetics Lyn Cunningham and Gabriella Sacco).
The “Magdalena Effect” is different for each of us, according to our individual needs and contexts, and this flexibility has helped the Project to exist, grow and adapt over more than three decades. Each one of us brings different things to the community and finds our own way of belonging within it. How do you belong within the Magdalena – what do you give and receive through your participation?
Much of the exchange within the Magdalena is intangible, but there are unavoidable operating costs for the website - which is our primary tool of interconnection and networking - that must be paid with money. In 2017 we started asking you to help us with these costs through annual donations of £25, £50 or £100 and the response was fantastic. We hope that you are able to continue your annual support of this valuable project.
helen varley jamieson
Magnetics Team