
Se encontraron 4 resultados
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Filtros: First Letter Of Last Name is A and Autor is Geddy Aniksdal  [Elimina todos los filtros]
G. Adams, Aniksdal, G., Greenhalgh, J., y Varley, J., TheMagdalenaProject@25 - Legacy and Challenge. Holstebro: The Open Page Publications, 2011.
G. Adams, Aniksdal, G., Gale, M., y Varley, J., Future Conditional - Notes for Tomorrow. Holstebro: The Open Page Publications, 2017.
G. Adams, Aniksdal, G., Gale, M. B., y Varley, J., Risking Hope: an anthology of women in theatre. Holstebro, Denmark: The Open Page Publications / Odin Teatret Forlag, 2019, p. 94.
G. Aniksdal, «Looking onto the Boulder», Contemporary Theatre Review, vol. 32, n.º 3-4, pp. 342-346, 2023.