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Journal Article
B. Mastrominico, «Home-specific Performance and the Digital Staging of the Domestic in Flanker Origami», International Journal of Performance Arts and Digital Media, 2023.
B. Mastrominico, «Embodying Essence through Absence: Performance Practice and Pedagogy Through Digital Platforms», 2022.
I. Pascual, «Cultura de mujeres, mujeres de cultura», Primer Acto. Cuadernos de investigación teatral, n.º n.341, 2011.
A. Bandettini, «Cherchez la femme», Teatro Festival, n.º 12, pp. 6-8, 1989.
M. Porter, «Carta del Limbo », Tablas. La Revista Cubana de Artes Escénicas, vol. Vol. LXXXVIII, n.º n. 1, pp. pp.65-67, 2008.
F. T. Evans, «A capella», Tablas. La Revista Cubana de Artes Escénicas , vol. Vol. LXXVIII, n.º n.1, 2005.
B. Mastrominico, «Bodies:On:Live-Magdalena:On:Line », International Journal of Performance Arts and Digital Media , 2022.
«“Beyond the Network. Towards a rainbow-like theory”in Studia UBB Dramatica, LIX, n. 1, 2014, pp.235-259.», Studia UBB Dramatica, vol. LIX, n.1 , pp. pp.235-259, 2014.
B. Mastrominico, «Active Spectatorship and Co-creation in the Digital Making of Flanker Origami», Body, Space and Technology, vol. 22, n.º 22, 2023.
J. Greenhalgh, Trad., «3 Suggestions», The Magdalena Newsletter, n.º n. 10, 1993.
Conference Proceedings
G. Kehoul, «When the Spectator Talks Back: The Development of Practical Wisdom and an ‘ethics of care’ within the Magdalena Talks Back Network», Conference of the Australasian Association for Drama, Theatre and Performance Studies. Australia, 2008.
Book Chapter
H. V. Jamieson, «We collaborate [t]here: processes of networked collaboration», in Intersecting Art and Technology in Practice: Techne/Technique/Technology, Routledge, 2017.
H. V. Jamieson, «La plateforme UpStage, la cyberformance et l'assistance (intermédiale)», in Théâtre et intermédialité, J. - M. Larrue, Ed. Lille: Presses Universitaires du Septentrion, 2015, pp. 355-381.
G. Christou, De Angelis, A., Fordham, C. Todd, Lewenstein, R., Pinnock, W., Ridings, S., Siân, J., Wertenbaker, T., y Parrish, S., Women Centre Stage: Eight Short Plays By and About Women. Nick Hern Books, 2018, p. 152.
C. Fry, The Way of Magdalena. Holstebro: Open Page Publications, 2007.
C. Fry, The Way of Magdalena. Holstebro: Odin Teatrets Forlag/ Open Page Pubblications. , 2007.
J. Karabekir, Türkiye’de Kadınlarla Ezilenlerin Tiyatrosu: Feminist Bir Metodolojiye Doğru. Istanbul: Agora Kitapligi, 2015.
C. Castrillo, Tracce – le mappe di un mestiere. Lugano: Edizioni Ulivo, 2015.
S. D'Agostino, On Tiptoe a Santa Clara. Rome: Bulzoni Editore, 2010, p. 170.
V. Ann Cremona, Galli, F., y Varley, J., THINKING WITH THE FEET / PENSARE CON I PIEDI. Holstebro: Odin Teatret, 2017.
G. Adams, Aniksdal, G., Greenhalgh, J., y Varley, J., TheMagdalenaProject@25 - Legacy and Challenge. Holstebro: The Open Page Publications, 2011.
P. Baul y Ramanathaiyer, S., Tantidhatri One. Trivandrum, India: Ekathara Kalari, 2016, p. 108.
M. B. Gale y Dorney, K., Stage women, 1900-50: Female theatre workers and professional practice. Manchester: Manchester University Press, 2019, p. 328.
V. Featherstone, Snatches: Moments from 100 Years of Women's Lives. Nick Hern Books, 2018, p. 112.
