Singing Our Place Festival 2019
Teater Viva & Odin Teatret presents:
Women performance artists from all over the world. Explore Finnish lament singers, sapmi joik, electronic music, butoh dance, arctic mask and drum dance, video installations, rituals, physical theatre, storytelling and much more.
Join us for workshops, performances, concerts, sharings and vision symposium.
We invite you to join us with your voice and visions for our common future !
Singing Our Place Festival 6. - 10. June 2019, Aarhus (DK)
During the festival days we offer you the possibility to participate
in one of 4 explorative artistic laboratories.
We invite you to through artistic work to explore your artistic voice and visions for the future.
Workshops and all events at the festival are open for all kind of experiences.
Workshop 2 and 3 and 4 will be in English, but there will be help for translation
into Danish or Spanish or Italian.
We have invited international performing artists, each with their exciting and unique experiences
and skills to lead the 4 laboratories.
Laboratory 1: Rituals and Compositions for The Future.
Inspirators: Composer Line Tjørnhøj ( DK)
og singer and performer Signe H. Wille-Jørgensen (DK )
What do we choose to tell about in a time of great polarizations, climate change,
alienation and fear of the future ?
What is coming to consciousness both individually and collectively in these times of change ?
Can we, through artistic compositions and rituals, explore where we are heading
as individuals and communities?
Come and grab the chance to work with 2 deeply committed and original performing artists.
They will kindly take you on an artistic journey that will surprise and change you.
You are invited to participate in a work in progress performance,
which will be presented at the festival's last day.
The laboratory is open to all genders and all kinds of artistic and personal experiences.
Read more about the artists on the About the artists page at www.teaterviva.dk.
Laboratory 2: Daughter, Mother, Connections in Past and Future.
Inspirator : Jill Greenhalgh (UK)
The very experienced director Jill is doing a continued exploration of the performer's authenticity
and bodily inner voice in staged life experiences based on mothers and daughters.
The performer's own scenic material is communicated in interaction
with the audience in a work in progress performance.
A artistic laboratory which connects generations and stories from past, present and future.
You will get the chance to work with a wise woman exploring your own stories
and sharing them in a sensuous and original way to further artistic inspiration.
You are invited to participate in a work in progress performance,
which will be presented at the festival's last day.
The laboratory is open to all kinds of artistic and personal experiences.
Read more about the artist on the About the artists page at www.teaterviva.dk.
Laboratory 3: Transformative Movements. Body, Nature and Animal.
Inspirators: Maruska Ronchi (IT) og Ana Woolf (AR)
If you like to move, joint this workshop this laboratory with 2 performing artists
who has examined the body's life and scenic presence through a long professional career.
This workshop unites theater and dance in a strong artistic study of scenic action through body and voice.
Both artists have their roots in Japanese performing arts tradition;
Maruska in the Butoh dance and Ana in Tadashi Suzuki's theater techniques.
You will be challenged to explore new opportunities and expressions and,
together with the group, explore new movements with your body.
Can we break old patterns and find new surprising movements in our bodies and scenic materials?
Can we explore different or new life forms through the movements of the body?
We explore the energy and presence in the transitions of movements.
We will also dive into a study of the transformative forces in dance and theater.
We let the body move in dialogue with nature.
You are invited to participate in a work in progress performance,
which will be presented at the festival's last day.
The laboratory is open to all kinds of artistic and personal experiences.
Read more about the artists on the About the artists page at www.teaterviva.dk.
Laboratorie 4: Songs of Transition. Roots and Voices.
Inspirators: Pirkko Fihlman (FL), Varste Mathæussen (GL) og Katrine Faber (DK).
Come and meet Pirkko; grand old lady in lament singing from Finland.
Lament singing brings you into the core of why we humans sing.
And meet Varste, Master in mask dance from Greenland
and the both humorous and sensual energy in this arctic artform.
Katrine,DK, voiceperformer and actress, will take you to the center of your voice and unfold your colours.
All three artists will invite you to connect with something very old and universal
– and yes newborn, in the human expression.
They are all engaged in bringing the force and knowledge from old traditions
into new contemporary artistic expressions.
Linking voice, body and singing to themes as Climate change and transitions for the future.
We explore the anthropocene human being through song, breath and body.
We research the voice as a way to connect human, animal and nature.
A way to connect the past, the present and the future.
We will cry and laugh and compose new songs and movements
that can support us in the transition into the future.
You are invited to participate in a work in progress performance,
which will be presented at the festival's last day.
The laboratory is open to all genders and all kinds of artistic and personal experiences.
Read more about the artists on the About the artists page at www.teaterviva.dk.
The workshops will happen over 5 days ( 1. day: 2 hours, 2. , 3. and 4. day: 4 hours and then presentations of work on day 5. )
In the mornings we will work all together lead by different artists for 1,5 hour.
Max 15 participants in each workshop. In workshop 2 max 10 participants.
You have to choose one of the workshops.
Application and prizes:
Prize for partout ticket to the festival 2019
( 5 days of workshops, all 15 performances and 4 concerts, symposium and Ritual Party ) :
Standard: 3400 Dkr. / 455 Euro.
For young people ( under 25 ), students and travellers from abroad: 3000 Dkr. /400 Euro.
Food ( 5 dinners and 4 lunches, vegetarian and organic , evt. Vegan) : 600 Dkr. /80 Euro.
You have to send an application for workshops ( max 50 participants ).
An application document is to be found here at www.teaterviva.dk
at the page about workshops. Here you can also find information about cheap lodging.
Write to Katrine for more information: teaterviva@gmail.com
More information and application: teaterviva.dk