Re:ROUTES Network of Ensemble Theaters
Join us in the Sonoran Desert for reflection, conversations, sunsets, workshops, local community highlights, leg-dangling poolside hangouts, panels, performances, networking, and Tucson’s renowned All Souls Procession Weekend (a city-wide series of grassroots, art-infused ceremonies, celebrations, and events culminating in a community ritual Procession & Finale performance, produced by NET member Flam Chen/Many Mouths One Stomach)!
NET's National Gathering & Symposium events bring together performing artists, co-creators, practitioners, producers, scholars, educators, teaching artists, students, cultural workers, organizers, activists, policy makers, funders, and community partners. All are welcome...if you are intrigued by or passionate about collaborative artmaking, the theory and practice of collective creation or devising work, or the vitality of the ensemble sector, then re:ROUTES is for you!