The Actor's Know-How
organised by Odin Teatret
in collaboration with the Cultural Association Diaforà and Teatro tascabile di Bergamo
Avoid main roads
Follow small paths
Parvathy Baul (India)
I Wayan Bawa (Bali)
Keiin Yoshimura and So Sugiura (Japan)
Teatro tascabile di Bergamo (Italy)
Odin Teatret (Denmark)
Eleven years have passed since the last session of ISTA - International School of Theatre Anthropology - organised by the Grotowski Institute in Wroclaw. I have made numerous attempts to find people or institutions interested in financing its continuity. In vain. Therefore, in collaboration with the Cultural Association Diaforà and Teatro tascabile di Bergamo, Odin Teatret has decided to realise with its own means an ISTA session in Albino, Italy.
The 15th session of ISTA will take only fifty participants, and will focus on the principles of scenic presence according to the comparative study developed by Theatre Anthropology. Experienced actors and dancers from different traditions will go through the first steps of their apprenticeship exemplifying, through demonstrations and practical work, how they learned and personalised their specific technique. This will enable the participants to live the experience of the "first day" as well as the process of incorporating a physical/mental know-how.
The actors' and dancers' genres and forms vary in the different cultures, but the principles behind their techniques are similar. It is these principles that turn the scenic presence of the actor/dancer into physical and vocal signs which arouse the attention of the spectators and trigger their inner reactions.
Good bye until springtime in Albino,
Eugenio Barba
PERIOD: April 7-17 2016, Convento della Ripa, Albino (Bergamo), Italy.
FEE: Euro 950 (nine hundred and fifty), inclusive board and lodging in rooms with 3/ 4 beds. For those accepted, the fee must be paid not later than 15 January 2016.
DEADLINE FOR APPLICATION: 15 November 2015. Answers to applications will be given not later than 5 December 2015.
INFORMATION: Anne Savage: anne.savage@odinteatret.dk