Theatre of the Oppressed with Women in Turkey

Theatre of the Oppressed with Women in Turkey:
Towards a Feminist Methodology
(in Turkish)
Jale Karabekir’s book entitled “Türkiye’de Kadınlarla Ezilenlerin Tiyatrosu: Feminist Bir Metodolojiye Doğru (Theatre of the Oppressed with Women in Turkey: Towards a Feminist Methodology)” is published by Agora Kitapligi in May 2015. Jale Karabekir is the artistic director of the feminist theatre group, Tiyatro Boyali Kus and the co-founder of Center for Theatre of the Oppressed-Turkey.
In this book she illustrates the life of Augusto Boal, his stages of invention of the theatre of the oppressed (TO), women’s studies in the world and as a model, Jana Sanskriti movement in India. The book proposes TO as a feminist methodology in regard to its close relation to Judith Butler’s theory of performativity. Additionally, the book discusses the change in the discourses of ‘education for women’ and ‘social work’ in Turkey.
Jale Karabekir has been working theatre with women’s groups since 1996. This book demonstrates selected TO workshops and performances held between 2000 and 2012. The evaluation of TO practices is combined with the narratives of women participants of Okmeydani district of Istanbul. In the following parts, there are TO experiences of Tiyatro Boyali Kus volunteers, Arzu Candoğan, Ebru Yavuz, Meryem Güldürdak, Rahmet Uysal and interviews with Sevi Bayraktar, Gül Ersürmeli Yılmaz, Nelin Dükkancı, Feride Eralp and Teacher’s Union. The cover is designed by Aslı Uludag.
With solidarity…