Physical Theatre in Barcelona

A physical and musical dialogue that puts on stage the day-to-day maelstrom brought by trying to balance the working life and the desire and realization of motherhood. With humor, passion and irony the quotidian world is multiplied to grab each of the vital seconds that make up a woman’s existence since she becomes two. And the body, which knows so much about desires, contradictions, weight, time, tiredness, pleasure, ... has a lot to say.
Extracts will be presented at the Festival Escena Poblenou of Barcelona on 23rd of October 2014. Theatre Can Felipa, 20h.
By Sophie Kasser and Nathalie Pierrehumbert (Cía Moveo)
Sophie Kasser
Moveo Cie
Joan d’Austrià 95-97, 1º-3ª - 08018 Barcelona
+34 93 300 25 08 / +34 654 58 75 29