in-sights - 29 & 30 June

show & tell & watch & try
invitation to an informal show & tell
on Friday 29 June 6-10pm (dinner: bring a plate to share)
30 June 9am-1pm (breakfast: bring a plate to share)
at igneous studio: 3/27 Waverley Street in Annerley (Brisbane)
AND streamed online on the Waterwheel's tap
- Dawn Albinger will talk about her PhD
- we will watch some documentation of 2003 Magdalena Australia Festival (forums and focus on Aotearoa) - thanks to Gillian Kehoul who converted the VHS recordings into DVDs
- mini-workshop with Suzon Fuks on how to use the TAP for your own project
- projects & news from around Australia using the TAP from wherever you are....
please RSVP - mobile: 0487 333 523
hope to see you soon!
Submitted by Suzon Fuks on 4 June 2012.