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Web Article
M. Filomena Ottaviani, Julia Varley, l’Enciclopedia delle donne, 2021. [Online]. Available:
C. Contin Arlecchino, Gli abitanti di Arlecchinia (The inhabitants of Arlecchinia). Campanotto, 2019.
J. Graham-Jones, Lola Arias: Re-enacting life. Performance Research Books, 2019.
M. B. Gale and Dorney, K., Stage women, 1900-50: Female theatre workers and professional practice. Manchester: Manchester University Press, 2019, p. 328.
A. Jakubowska and Deepwell, K., All-women art spaces in Europe in the long 1970s. Liverpool: Liverpool University Press, 2018.
R. L. Goldberg, Performance Now. USA: Thames & Hudson, 2018, p. 256.
C. Castrillo, Rastros – el mapa de un oficio . Madrid, España: Libreria Yorick, 2018.
V. Featherstone, Snatches: Moments from 100 Years of Women's Lives. Nick Hern Books, 2018, p. 112.
G. Christou, De Angelis, A., Fordham, C. Todd, Lewenstein, R., Pinnock, W., Ridings, S., Siân, J., Wertenbaker, T., and Parrish, S., Women Centre Stage: Eight Short Plays By and About Women. Nick Hern Books, 2018, p. 152.
V. Ann Cremona, Galli, F., and Varley, J., THINKING WITH THE FEET / PENSARE CON I PIEDI. Holstebro: Odin Teatret, 2017.
A. Dimitrakaki, Peraica, A., Orel, B., Kukovec, D., and DeLVe, G. S., Ratkovic, M., Grzinic, M., Pachmanová, M., Babic, M., Milevska, S., Hvala, T., and Tatarczuk, W., Performative Gestures Political Moves. Ljubljana: The City of Women, Ljubljana and Red Athena University Press, 2014.
G. Palladini, Dal Magdalena Project al Magfest. Un percorso sul teatro al femminile in Italia. Spoleto: Editoria&Spettacolo, 2012, p. 168.
G. Adams, Aniksdal, G., Greenhalgh, J., and Varley, J., TheMagdalenaProject@25 - Legacy and Challenge. Holstebro: The Open Page Publications, 2011.
S. D'Agostino, On Tiptoe a Santa Clara. Rome: Bulzoni Editore, 2010, p. 170.
C. Fry, The Way of Magdalena. Holstebro: Open Page Publications, 2007.
Journal Article
L. Wade Soule, Magdalena 1995: Mothers of Invention, New Theatre Quarterly, vol. 12, no. 45, pp. 85-86, 1996.
Journal Article
J. Greenhalgh, Magdalena - a polemic, a festival, Performance Magazine, no. 42, 1986.