

George, Breonna, Ahmaud, Sandra, Tamir, Eric, Philando, Michael, Tanisha...
Voix de Femmes

Comme beaucoup, nous avons dû nous poser la question : comment remplir au mieux nos missions par temps de pandémie?
Nous avons trouvé plusieurs pistes de réponses. En voici une dont nous ne sommes pas peu fières : cette année, dans le cadre de notre programme d'accompagnement artistique annuel, nous soutiendrons deux projets au lieu d'un. 


O catálogo da Ocupação Magdalena Vila Itororó 2019 está incrível, quem quiser conhecer um pouco das artistas maravilhosas que participaram deste projeto pode baixar a versão em PDF na home do site do Coletivo Galeria Gruta:

Goethe-Institut São Paulo
Vila Itororó Canteiro Aberto

a Message from Porto Arlecchino


Working Group in Munich

SOLOISNOTALONE is a proposition for theatre artists planing or working on a Solo Performance and who would like to be in a practical exchange about their work. Purpose of the working group is to develop and structure material and to find new inspiration through the work of and feedback from each other.

Congratulations to theatre-maker Karolina Spaic, who has been appointed Knight in the Order of Orange-Nassau in the Netherlands.

I'm so happy to announce La Pacha Apapacha's website. This is like a dream come true and I would love to have the support of the loving Magdalena's network, a community that saved my life! Please, take a look at our website and subscribe to our email list. We're trying to give voice to small women business and independent artists from all over the world but specially Latin Americans.

Prague Quadrennial

The Prague Quadrennial has made a range of talks, exhibitions, catalgoues and documentation videos available as free online resources.

Estamos vivendo em tempos extraordinários. Ainda nos recuperando dos incêndios, inundações e outras emergências, o mundo mergulhou no caos repentino de uma pandemia. Nesse momento, a rede Magdalena é uma maneira vital de nos permanecermos conectadas e nos apoiando, apesar dos regimes de distanciamento e isolamento físico. Nosso site e esta newsletter por e-mail continuam, apesar de muitas restrições em nossas liberdades físicas e alterações em nossas rotinas.
