Tradition, Transmission, Transgression 2 Ed.
Tradition, Transmission, Transgression 2 Ed.
September 20th to 26th 2022
Women Memory Migration
Laboratorio Internacional Residui Teatro organizes in Spain the second edition of "Tradition-Transmission-Transgression ", an international meeting of women creators within the framework of the Magdalena Project, an international network of women in contemporary arts. The meeting is directed by Viviana Bovino, member and founder of Residui Teatro.
This second edition is dedicated to Women/Memory/Migration.
"Tradition-Transmission-Transgression 2022" aims to reflect on the role of women in the transmission and preservation of several cultural traditions, and on the responsibility to transform them when these very traditions confirm a social perspective that does not guarantee equal opportunities and rights. During this year's meeting, we will reflect on the women who promote community processes, stop and transmit memory and favor the connection with their roots. On the other hand, we will dialogue in relation to the woman who emigrates, transits, travels. Women "migrants/refugees" are a territory of living memory "in movement". How and what roots travel with them? The woman's body is a living territory of memory.
It is to these women who form a community, who generate links between coexisting and different groups, propitiating and legitimizing new narratives of change, to whom we dedicate this meeting.
During this year's edition, we will reflect on migrant/refugee women as a "territory of living memory and change".
The meeting will take place in the beautiful municipality of Ayllón, Autonomous Community of Castilla y León, and provides workshops, round tables for reflection, projections, exhibitions of the participant’s work in progress, shows and many activities together with the local community.
Among the invited artists:
Julia Varley/Odin Teatret (Great Britain), Patricia Ariza Flórez/Teatro la Candelaria (Colombia), Geddy Aniksdal /Grenland Friteater company (Norway), Ana Woolf (Argentina), Amaranta Osorio (Mexico-Colombia-Spain), Barbara Luci Carvalho /Antagon TheatAKTion (Brasil), Isabelle Maurel (France), Mónica de la Fuente (Spain), Maristella Martella (Italy), Daniele Santana / Contadores de Mentira (Brazil), Silvia Moreno (Spain / France), Cartaphilus Teatro (Mexico), Pessoal de Teatro (Brazil), Eirini Sfyri (Greece) y Viviana Bovino (Italy) / Laboratorio Internacional Residui Teatro (Spain) .
The meeting is coorganized with the Ayllón Municipality an is possible thanks to the support of: CAAE Madrid, Erasmus + program, Proyecto GENERO ARTE (supported by the Autonomous Community of Madrid), Casa de la India (Valladolid), Fondazione Barba Varley.
We are grateful for the collaboration of:
The Magdalena Project - International Network of Women in Contemporary Theater, Autonomous Community of Castilla y León, Deputation of Segovia, Teatro la Candelaria (Colombia), Asociación CualCuiera (Spain), Stowarzyszenie Edukacyjno Spoleczno Kulturalne TEATR BRAMA (Poland), Compagnie Tortilla (France), Teatro a Canone (Italy), Grenland Friteater (Norway), Transit Next Forum (Denmark), Tarantarte Ass. Cult. (Italy), Comité Métallos (France), ZID Theater – City Arts & Performance Centre connects art, culture and society (Holand), As. Bachi da Setola (Italy), Marina Santo Anastacio Bruno/ El cuerpo baila (Spain), As. Postcard/ A3 (Poland), Tecnologia Filosofica (Italy), Teatro Popolare Europeo (Italy), BOA CRIAÇÃO(Portugal), Protagon – Freunde und foerderer freier THEATERAKTION (Germany), SKENE (Spain), participants of TONE (Erasmus+ proyect), Magdalena Munich (Germany), Contadores de Mentira (Brasil), Jill Greenhalgh (Welsh), Cía Cartaphiulus Teatro (México), Nathalie Jabalé (Odin Teatret-Nordisk Teaterlaboratorium), Eva María Varela Lasheras, Santiago Claramonte, Marcelo Solares (ESC One Love II, Erasmus+ program) y Luciana Plenge (ESC One Love Erasmus+ program), participants of LABORATORIO and all the volunteers.
Info. and application form: info@residuiteatro.it
Priority will be given according to the arrival of the applications
Limited number of participants.