It's Good to Look at One’s Own Shadow

with Luisa Calcumil and Julia Varley
21 February 2022
18:00 CET
Web-conference with Luisa Calcumil and Julia Varley, (Spanish with English and Italian translation)

Click here for information in Italian.

It Is Good to Look at One’s Own Shadow is the title of performance taken from a Mapuche proverb. Reality taught Luisa Calcumil discrimination for being woman, indigenous and artist. Mapuche women are charged with passing on values for their oral culture. Luisa recognizes her origins and the dark colour of her skin. She puts questions to her elders, she recovers the indigenous language, history, philosophy and passes this knowledge on from village to village by
means of theatre and song. In her seventies she follows her path teaching her public to say “love, earth, dream, work” in Mapuche language. Luisa says that Aimé Painé, the first renown Mapuche singer, has had a great influence over her life. Luisa always remembers Aimé saying: "El saber quien es uno es el principio de ser culto" (knowing who you are is the first step of learning).

Luisa Calcumil is a Mapuche artist. The Mapuche are one of the ethnic people that inhabited Argentine Patagonia before the Conquista. She has worked in theatre since 1975, presenting twenty theatre performances and acting in five films of international importance and in various television programmes. After several years of performing without finding plays where she felt represented, Luisa started to write her own scripts or participating in the creation of
performances in which she was protagonist. This is how It's Good to Look at One’s Own Shadow and Hebras were created.

Register in advance for this webinar:

Webconference with Julia Varley and Luisa Calcumil

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