
Representation & How to Get It shows 1 night in NYC Oct. 29


Come see the new solo show about women and voting rights touring this fall, presented in New York by the United Solo Theatre Festival

Open call for short plays

International Human Rights Art Festival Short Play Festival 2023

New York City's International Human Rights Art Festival (IHRAF.ORG) and The Tank Theater issue a call for proposals for a ten-minute play festival on Wednesday evening, January 11, 2023 as part of the International Human Rights Art Festival’s Winterfest, January 11-13 at the Tank, 312 W. 36th Street, NYC.

Keiin Yoshimura shares a video report made as a thank-you to those who supported her crowdfunding to participate in Transit 10.

The NYC Women’s Fund for Media, Music and Theatre provides grants to encourage and support the creation of digital, film, music, television, and live or online theatre content that reflects the voices and perspectives of all who identify as women.

2022 Ellen Stewart Career Achievement in Professional Theatre Award

Congratulations to Peggy Shaw and Lois Weaver of Split Britches, who are two of the three recipients of the 2022 Ellen Stewart Career Achievement in Professional Theatre Award.

European Cultural Heritage Awareness Award

Evropa Nostra Srbija and Dah Theater are proud to announce that the jury of the European Cultural Heritage Awareness Awards dedicated to Helena Vaz da Silva, has awarded Special Recognition to our Diana Milošević for her key role in defense of European culture and values.

by Nora Amin

A solo performance by Nora Amin, that is also a personal testimony of the author, choreographer and director, who traces her own body history between Egypt and Germany. She searches for an artistic language that embodies both trauma and the ecstasy of liberation, and allows for communal dancing as an intimate and decolonial practice beyond the categorizations of white economies.

Parabenizamos Patricia Ariza por sua nomeação como Ministra da Cultura da Colômbia


"A diretora de teatro e dramaturga Patricia Ariza foi nomeada pelo presidente eleito Gustavo Petro como a nova Ministra da Cultura. Ela é uma artista feminista que trabalha há anos com comunidades marginalizadas, que foi militante de esquerda, que é próxima de movimentos de artistas independentes, e foi uma das pioneiras do que foi chamado de Novo Teatro na Colômbia."

Leia o artigo completo no El País.

"Wherever you are walking"

Helen Chadwick launches her new album, "Wherever you are walking".

Performance Research Journal, Vol. 28, No. 2

The topic of ‘invasion’, in the context of the current world order, is an apt topic for an issue of Performance Research. We call for submissions to ‘On Invasion’ to consider the idea and reality of invasions – of communities and nations, of the body, the imagination and the environment, and of artistic response.
