
Elizabeth Hess, Author, Palgrave Macmillan, Publisher

In Acting & Being, Hess offers systematic and original explorations in performance technique. A fusion of physical theater modalities culled from Western and Eastern practices, this hybrid approach embodies behavioral, physiological and psychological ‘states of being’ -- unlocking impulses, experience and imagination to generate transformative, empathetic and expansive artistic expression.

In 2016, women of three religions dressed in white walked 200 km for peace.

In Israele, meno di un mese fa, centinaia di donne vestite di bianco, di tre religioni, hanno marciato insieme e pregato per la pace.

L’evento, quasi completamente ignorato dai media, è venuto a conoscenza del resto del mondo quando il video di quella giornata è stato pubblicato sul web.

Organizzato dalla Ngo Women Wage Peace, “Donne per la pace”, movimento nato nel

2017 workshop calendar

Dear friends,

here we are sending again the whole calendar of our SKILLS WORKSHOP.

We are pleased to add that, as always, we put ourselves at your disposal to settle any eventual need for lodging, and to facilitate, in those days,
the consultation of our library and video library.

Best regards and again and forever Happy New Year!

Cari amici,

Brigitte Cirla

Regression for women rights,

Brigitte Cirla


for EMERGENYC 2017

Performances sought, Hemispheric Institute, NYU, Manhattan, deadline Feb. 6, 2017

Apply today for EMERGENYC 2017! Deadline: February 6, 2017

The Hemispheric Institute is excited to announce that applications are now open for our upcoming program, EMERGENYC 2017 (April 8–July 8, 2017). See below for information about the program, application guidelines, and the deadline for applications.

Nelda Castillo y Mariela Brito han sido nominadas para los Premios ACE  2016.

La Asociación de Críticos de Espectáculos de Nueva York nomina a Nelda Castillo en la categoría de Mejor director de teatro visitante y a Mariela Brito en la de Actriz visitante más destacada por la obra Cubalandia presentada en esa ciudad el pasado mes de Julio dentro del programa del Festival Internacional de Teatro Hispano del Comisionado.

Agradecemos a este festival la oportunidad de nuestra presentación y a ACE AWARDS esta nominación que reconoce nuestro trabajo.

An Immersive Theatrical Experience based on the works of Clarice Lispector
Création Février 2017

À l’origine de ce projet, il y a une révélation.

Auriane Lebailly (comédienne) – celle par qui tout a commencé, et Marion Coutarel (metteuse en scène) se sont trouvées liées par le Syndrome de Williams, une maladie génétique rare.

La belleza innata de tu expresión física, la voz del alma en movimiento, el “no-mente.”
The inherent beauty of your physical expression, the voice of the soul in movement…”no mind.”
con Nora Belton y Rocio Fernandez Wabizasui Ibiza.

DAH Theatre: A Sourcebook is a collection of essays about the work of one of the most successful and innovative performance groups in contemporary history.


With a direct line of descent from Jerzy Grotowski and Eugenio Barba, DAH Theatre, founded during the worst of times in the former Yugoslavia, amidst a highly patriarchal society, predominantly run by women, has thrived now for twenty-five years. The chapters in this book, for the most part, have been written by both theatre scholars and practitioners, all of whom have either seen, studied with or worked with this groundbreaking troupe.
