




Scene Journal: On Sustainability


Callout for proposals on any angle covered by the

For developed understanding of public engagement
The Hawking Award for Developed Understanding of Public Engagement is named for Lucy Hawking, novelist and daughter of Stephen Hawking. This award reflects Lucy's qualities of reflexive, cooperative working, and her understanding of how to bring together research and engagement. It is given to an individual to acknowledge their critical thinking in the field of public engagement. 
funding for theatre performances world-wide


Looking for funding for your performing arts project?


Ibsen Awards offers funding of theatre performances world-wide.
Ibsen Scholarships are awarded projects that are innovative, act as incentives for critical discourse and are based on one or more of Henrik Ibsen's plays.


Tantidhatri 2019 - Precisamos do seu apoio!

Queridas Madalenas, 

Estou escrevendo para mandar informações sobre Tantidhatri, um Festival Magdalena na India. Parvathy Baul, com quem estudei na India, dirige o festival e eu faço a direção artística. É um festival organizado por uma organização sem fins lucrativos, que irá doar benefícios para a educação de garotas hindus. Encaminho as informações caso vocês queiram vir (adoraria ver vocês em Calcutá) ou caso possam contribuir (com doação ou divulgando as infos).

Queridas Madalenas,
Theatre Residency

Magfest organizes a theatre residency (in Italian) inspired by the book "Raccontami Tu" by Maristella Lippolis and directed by Manuela Frontoni. The residency takes place in Pescara (Italy), 27-30 December 2018 and 2-5 January 2019. The call is open to all actors and actresses, detailed information in Italian here below and on

ENTROPIA Performing Arts Company, in collaboration with institutions and artists from the United Kingdom, Denmark and Spain and supported by the E.U. «Creative Europe» Cultural Programme, participates in the International Project EXTENDED UNIVERSE.

Live Art for the 21st Century

PERFORMANCE NOW: Live Art for the 21st-Century
by RoseLee Goldberg
Published by Thames & Hudson 
Order Now

Hitting bookshelves today, Tuesday, August 28, this major survey charts the development of live art internationally since the turn of the twenty-first century, revealing how it has become an increasingly essential vehicle for communicating ideas across the globe in the new millennium.

feminist art journal
KT press has released all available articles of the 40 volumes of n.paradoxa online as open access at Readers can now browse and download these PDFs for free. Abstracts are also available.

n.paradoxa: international feminist art journal published 500+ articles on contemporary women artists and feminist readings of their work, Jan 1998-July 2017. Print volumes of n.paradoxa remain available for sale. There are special volumes of cyberfeminism, sound art, biopolitics and many other themes.
As produções contemporâneas precipitam-se nas subjetividades desencadeando efeitos que não mais se dissociam dos sentires e ritmos dos corpos. Experiências afetadas pelos desdobramentos e desvios. Super excitação ou apatias.

O Grupo Teatrodança inquieto em suas propostas cênicas e educativas, traz pela primeira vez ao Maranhão, a psicanalista e docente da Faculdade Angel Vianna, núcleo de estudos e práticas da conscientização corporal e dança contemporânea. Hélia Borges apresenta questões e reflexões relativas ao corpo na contemporaneidade.           

                Tema do encontro- O Movimento, o Corpo e a Clínica
