They do indeed compose and conduct!
musica femina münchen proudly presents the 2nd Diversity in Music Conference
They do indeed compose and conduct! Women composers and conductors in today’s music world
which will take place from the 20th to the 22nd of March, 2020 at the Orff-Zentrum in Munich.
The conference will include composing and conducting workshops for young women, networking meetings for institutions focussed on women in music, lectures on topics related to women in music and concert program planning, a podium discussion about genderconscious music program planning and both a chamber music and an orchestral concert. The keynote speech will be held by Prof. Dr. Susanne Rode-Breymann, who will present her thoughts on the next steps in scholarly research related to women in music.
For the registration form and further information please write to konferenz@musica-femina-muenchen.de or see http://www.musica-femina-muenchen.de/konferenz-2020/
musica femina münchen (mfm), founded in 1988, is dedicated to the cause of achieving gender parity in the music world. A special focus lies on presenting works by women composers in concert. Every two years musica femina müchen commissions an orchestral work by a women composer, partnering with the Münchener Kammerorchester to assure that the commissioned piece receives a première performance by a top-level orchestra. www.musica-femina-muenchen.de
mfm also cooperates with the Archiv Frau und Musik in Frankfurt/Main www.archiv-fraumusik.de and the Frauenorchesterprojekt in Berlin www.frauenorchesterprojekt.de