Summer Workshop & Performance in Berlin

about the creation of solo-performances in a human specific installation
21 July 2015 to 9 August 2015
Vierte Welt Berlin
Solos & Human Specific Installation: „beauty of broken porcelain“ - Courage Grace Trust &Vulnerability

The workshop gathers artists of all disciplines, backgrounds, ages & phases of career under the topic „beauty of broken porcelain“ exploring

Courage Grace Trust &Vulnerability. It contains:

  • development of personal material into a solo-performance
  • integration of the solos into a collective performance
  • a public performance in form of a human specific installation

balzer-stoyanova will guide you in group and individual sessions through the process of creation. With the help of exercises drawing from theatre, performance and body work you will shape your performances with the questions what you want to perform, why and how. An honest commitment and the willingness to face personal challenges is required.

For details check is external)

The duo balzer-stoyanova direct HUMAN SPECIFIC INSTALLATIONS (HSI). HSIs are performances of long duration in open or site-specific spaces. The members of the audience move freely, observe and engage in one-on-one meetings with individual performers. Those encounters develop in a gentle atmosphere of timelessness and with the intriguing awareness of an audience of wandering voyeurs. balzer-stoyanova is part of the network in-touch that creates Human Specific Performing Art. This label is a denominator for new innovative works implementing Human Specific Principles. They offer intimate experiences the spectators and require their active participation. They allow the audience to navigate through an aesthetic and sensuous universe and explore the field of sensorial communication.

Duration: 21.july. 2015 - 09. august. 2015

Price: 580 Euros

REGISTRATION: Deadline of application may 31st

Please send your application to: sends e-mail); Applications should contain a short letter of motivation, CV and the languages you understand; Participants will get a confirmation by june 1st.

Deadline for payments: 3rd june.

Space2: We work in the inspiring, culturally flourishing neighbourhood of BERLIN-KREUZBERG; @ Baerwaldstudios & Vierte Welt

The premiere of the Human Specific Installation will be on August 8, 2015 in Vierte Welt ( is external))

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