les « éclats » Magdalena
The next Magdalena Montpellier Festival will take place in 2023. Between now and then, we hope that Magdalena "sparkles" will dot the programming and generate surprises.
The years 2021 and 2022 will then be punctuated by actions in connection with militant associations, artistic proposals and training periods: the Magdalena "sparkles".
Due to the health context, we wish - all the more so - to maintain the link with the international artists of the network, in one way or another.
La Baignoire and Magadalena are joining forces to offer you a first "Éclat". We invite you to meet us at 19:00 at Quartier Gare (26 Rue des Boutons d'Or, 34000 Montpellier).
19:00: LECTURE - ISMÈNE [55 min]
As part of the visit of Carole Fréchette, a Quebec actress, to France, we will offer you a reading of one of her texts: "Ismène" by the actress Mama Prassinos. The author, inhabited by this character, needs to write again and again to make a silent voice heard, to approach the timeless tragedy from an intimate angle. Read by Mama Prassinos, an intense actress, shivering with energy and emotion. Her visceral attachment to Carole Fréchette's writing means that she finds the breath, the organicity by projecting herself entirely into it.
A time of exchange and shared discussion with the author Carole Frechette.
21:00: BUFFET
To extend this evening, we offer you to share a buffet at the Quartier Gare.
For more information, please contact:
06 47 92 07 97