"From Arlecchino to Artaud"
Theatrical workshop with Claudia Contin Arlecchino
18 July 2018 to 22 July 2018
Campania, Italy
Web site:
theatrical workshop July from 18 to 22, 2018.
"DA ARLECCHINO AD ARTAUD" (from Harlequin to Artaud)
between Comedy and Tragedy of the Art
Conducted by Claudia Contin Arlecchino and Luca Fantinutti
A residential stage at CASALE DELLE ARTI, an eco-integrated artistic structure set near the charming medieval village of Sant'Agata de 'Goti and the Taburno National Park in the province of Benevento. The theater workshop proposes a journey that starts from the iconography, the voice and the training on the most universal characters of the Commedia dell'Arte, and then meet the transfiguration and the tension of the bodies portrayed by Egon Schiele, the Austrian painter who, at the beginning of the twentieth century, has scandalized the world with the crudity of his paintings. A path in constant disequilibrium between cathartic laughter and painful emotion.
The stage, specially designed for the project "Ecoresidenze Internazionali 2018", is developed in 5 days,
with natural food from local organic products and accommodation in the spaces of Casale delle Arti, which also offers comfort and recreation, immersed in nature and with the use of the Bio-pool of the structure.
Sunday, July 22, at the end of the course will take place a special evening:
Claudia Contin Arlecchino - open lesson with performance
"AAA CERCASI ARLECCHINO-AMLETO-ARTAUD" (Harlequin-Hamlet-Artaud wanted)
open meeting to the public on the history of ancient, modern and contemporary inspirations that have generated the 30 years of theatrical repertoire of Claudia Contin Arlecchino.
To close the event, at late evening
book presentation
"LA UMANA COMMEDIA DI ARLECCHINO" (The Human Comedy of Harlequin)
by Claudia Contin Arlecchino
accompanied by projections and music by Luca Fantinutti
the registrations are open!!!
email: info@ilcasaledellearti.org
telephone: +39 347-4083461
more details on Il Casale Delle Arti website:
