Indian Theatre Journal 1.1

Performance, revelation and resistance: Interweaving the artistic and the therapeutic in devised theatre

The Indian Theatre Journal(link is external) is the first academic and international journal dedicated to Indian theatre. This journal aims to create an international platform for scholars, critics, playwrights, actors and directors of Indian theatre to present their work through cutting-edge research and innovative performance practice. Indian Theatre Journal will publish a wide range of approaches to various aspects of contemporary Indian theatre: scholarly essays, plays, production reviews, interviews and other important events Indian theatre.

In anticipation of its release, here’s a sneak peak of an abstract article from the first issue!

‘Own Practice’ section – Performance, revelation and resistance: Interweaving the artistic and the therapeutic in devised theatre
Authors: Maitri Gopalakrishna and Shabari Rao

This article describes the process that led to the creation of Positively Shameless, a devised theatre performance that explores emotional and physical residues of childhood sexual abuse (CSA) in five adult women in Bangalore, India. The article touches upon the interplay between the therapeutic and artistic perspectives of theatre making and challenges the widely held dichotomy between applied and pure theatre. It also explains the principles that guided the process, with illustrative examples taken from the devising stage and the final piece.

For more information about this journal, please click here(link is external) or email sends e-mail)


Katy Dalli | Marketing Assistant
A: Intellect, The Mill, Parnall Rd, Fishponds, Bristol BS16 3JG, UK is external)