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This website was launched in 2011, and four years later we've come to the time where we need to upgrade the software that runs the website (Drupal).
If you like, use and value this website, please donate whatever you can - all donations, small and large, are much appreciated!
Donate by internet banking - email us for the details - or via Paypal by clicking the "Donate" button at the right.
The design of the site won't change, but there will be some new features and enhancements, as well as things you won't even notice like better security and easier site maintenance. We also plan to implement a new improved email newsletter system, so you can expect to see some major changes coming into your inbox.
The web team of Helen, Valentina and Agnez will get together for a three-day "sprint" - an intensive work session to get everything upgraded with a minimum of downtime for the site. There will be preparatory work before the sprint, and afterwards some bug-fixing and information about it.
Our budget for the upgrade is just over £4000; we are applying to the Arts Council Wales for a grant of £1500, with the rest to come from funds in hand and donations. We hope to raise £1880 from you, the people for whom this website exists.
There are more than 1500 email addresses on our mailing, list, so if only 10% give £14 each, we'd have more than reached our goal!
Donate by internet banking - email us for the details - or via Paypal: