O Levante! – International Festival of Women on Stage is an event that seeks artistic and cultural exchange between women from different countries, with different trajectories that will take place from 9th to 15th of September in Belo Horizonte - Brazil.
We have Open Call now for Residences, where the participants will have proirity and free entrance to all activities of the festival. Also there are special discounts in hotel and food for participants in the residences.
In the programm there will be artistic residences in the mornings with Jill Greenhalgh (UK), Violeta Luna (MX) and Verónica Mato (UY). Afternoon we'll have rounds, talks, demonstrations of work and performances. At night we'll have shows, performances and short scenes presentations. We''ll also have cultural experiences such as visitin Inhotim, Giramundo Museum (owned by the largest puppet theater group in Brazil, which is going to be opened exclusively for the participants of the festival), final party with "Carnival Band" and many actions to construct a strong network and a beautiful encounter!
Please, check the website www.olevante.com and instagram @olevantefestival for more informations.
Any questions: olevantefestival@gmail.com
Best regards!