Reimagining an Eneolithic Refuge
Sandra Sarala's site-specific performance is an invitation to enter a cave and leave the 21st century for 20 minutes, to take refuge with the past: a journey of the senses travelling 4500 years back in time. Extremely pre-internet, Eneolothic/Copper Age/Chalcolithic technology included agriculture, sharp pieces of obsidian, ceramics, bespoke leather...
REIMAGINING AN ENEOLITHIC REFUGE is one slice in the second part of the series THE ENERGY OF PLACES, fourth edition.
The series continues a rich program of exhibitions and cultural events in order to rejoin the interaction between ARTS, SCIENCE and SOCIETY, which for centuries has represented an important engine in the progress of humankind. L'Energia dei Luoghi: The Energy of Places began in 2018, and its current program of events runs through February and March 2019 - full details in the PDF and on the Facebook page.
On Sunday, March 30, ENERGY OF PLACES culminates with a big artistic event. In the territory of the villages of Ceroglie, Malchina, and Visogliano, we will have the chance to see spectacular LAND ART works, experimental projects like THE INVISIBLE STORY, ÉPHÉMÈRE and CATALYST EUTERPE, the exhibition of the CREATIVES OF MALCHINA, the performance REIMAGINING AN ENEOLITHIC REFUGE, the painting exhibition ROŽE&FIORI, and take place in the debate CONNECTIONS between science and art, finishing with an exquisite buffet BREAD, LOVE AND... ENERGY.
Sandra Sarala (Berlin; Aotearoa New Zealand) is a singing poet, book maker, musician and actor, who has been coming to Italy for performance and permaculture for many years. Her writing and photography appears intermittently here https://permaterrailean.blogspot.com/ In 2004-08 she was one of the co-founding members of ensemble Polynushka, singing archaic east European village songs. Their CD won the Preis der deutschen Schallplattenkritik (German Record Critics Prize) for folklore in September 2008. In 2011-12 she curated the multi-disciplinary series Berlin COMPASS. Her poetry has won awards in New Zealand, Australia, Germany and online, and has been published in journals including The Wild Word, Side Stream, Poems4Peace 2014 and Percutio. As a solo artist she creates personal and intimate performance food for the soul, using instruments, and sung and spoken words.
La seconda parte della Rassegna L’ENERGIA DEI LUOGHI, quarta edizione, continua con un ricco programma di manifestazioni espositive e eventi culturali al fine di recuperare quella interazione fra ARTE, SCIENZA e SOCIETÀ che per secoli ha rappresentato una spinta importante nel progresso umano.
Domenica 30 marzo si concluderà la rassegna con una grande kermesse artistica. Nel territorio dei paesi di Ceroglie, Malchina e Visogliano incontreremo spettacolari lavori di LAND ART, progetti sperimentali quali LA STORIA INVISIBILE, ÉPHÉMÈRE e CATALYST EUTERPE, l’esposizione dei CREATIVI DI MALCHINA, la performance REIMAGINING AN ENEOLITIC REFUGE, la
mostra di pittura ROŽE&FIORI e il dibattito sulle CONNESSIONI, fra scienza e arte seguito dal prelibato buffet PANE, AMORE E... ENERGIA.
Drugi del niza dogodkov ENERGIJA PROSTOROV, četrta izvedba, se nadaljuje z bogatim programom razstav in kulturnih večerov, usmerjenih v interakcijo med UMETNOSTJO, ZNANOSTJO in DRUŽBO, ki je dolga stoletja pomenila pomemben pogon za človekov napredek.
V nedeljo, 30. Marca, se bo niz dogodkov končal z velikim umetniškim dogodkom. Na območju
vasi Cerovlje, Mavhinje in Vižovlje se bomo lahko srečali z deli LAND ART, eksperimentalnimi projekti NEVIDNA ZGODBA, ÉPHÉMÈRE in CATALYST EUTERPE, razstavo USTVARJALCEV IZ MAVHINJ, performansom REIMAGINING AN ENEOLITHIC REFUGE, razstavo slik ROŽE&FIORI in razpravo POVEZAVE med znanostjo in umetnostjo. Sledila bo izvrstna zakuska buffet KRUH, LJUBEZEN IN... ENERGIJA.
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