I Maltagliati
To Sing a Life
A woman, a radio, a pasta dish – and first of all, singing.
An old woman is standing in her kitchen cooking a pasta dish (I Maltagliati) for a guest. During the morning she relieves her life through songs.
The performance is based on a series of powerful Italian folk songs and other songs that communicates ordinary human feelings, desires and dreams. The songs are the voice of ordinary people and cover all aspects of everyday life: working, loving, struggling, being born and dying.
The story taskes place in two different spaces: the physical space, the kitchen, where the woman prepares pasta only in company with a radio and a space of memories, where we see the woman’s life in flashbacks, open to the viewer’s own interpretation.
I Maltagliati is performed in Danish/Italian or English/Italian, primarily singing. A strong performance about a woman’s life, directed and performed by Sandra Pasini.