29th International Laboratory

“The journey of a navel”
12 August 2017 to 27 August 2017
Teatro delle Radici, Lugano, Switzerland

“The journey of a navel”: training and research meeting directed by Cristina Castrillo and Bruna Gusberti.


It may seem bizarre to entitle a theater laboratory this way. Maybe. But this is the closest metaphor to the meaning of what, for this edition, the laboratory intends to research on. Literally the navel means: the place where we are coming from, the sign of our origin. Accustomed as we are to diversity and contact –even unconsciously- from so many different sources, with different views, tastes, colors, languages, food of the most different provenance, we wonder how far this flow has determined, generated and inflicted our identity.

From it comes the necessity of discovering and reviewing how much and in which way all of these necessary passages correspond in essence to what we define as our own cultural background.


Besides the daily work on physical training and expansion of the introspective world that are at the bases of the creative technique of Teatro delle Radici, the focus of this laboratory will be on the construction of exercises and proposals centered on the distinctive elements of our own cultural origin and the important paths that have contributed to enrich, modify and transform it.


The participants will be present throughout the whole established period.

As usual, the workshop foresees, besides the pedagogical approach directed by Cristina Castrillo, the presence of special guests as well as working presentations, performances and interventions on the topic.


  • the cost of the full laboratory is fr.1’000.-
  • the price includes accommodation, but not food ( the accommodation has kitchen facilities)
  • for those who do not need accommodation, the cost is fr.850.-
  • together with your application you are requested to send:
    - e-mail to info@teatrodelleradici.net with the following information:
    - name and surname/date of birth/ postal address/ telephone number/ e-mail address/ passport number/ nationality/ a brief summary of your activities
  • an initial payment of CH fr.450. to our account:
    Teatro delle Radici- N° 247- 419.338.01N- UBS (Unione di Banche Svizzere)- Lugano
    alternative information for the payment:
    SWIFT : UBSWCHZH69 and  IBAN CH42 0024 7247 4193 3801N
  • your application form will not be considered valid without the initial payment
  • the balance will be paid in Swiss francs on your arrival.                      

application deadline in 10th July  2017

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