"biblio" module added to site

hi mappers,

i've added "biblio", a bibliographic module, to the web site, & invite you to experiment with it if you have time. you need to have "editor" permissions to create new entries & you probably don't already have this, so if you want to add things to it let me know & i'll give you the necessary permissions.

but simply as a logged in member, you should now see a new link in the lefthand menu (scroll down, a few below "my profile") that says "biblio". click on this & you will see the bibliographic entries i've made so far, listed chronologically going backwards.

you can sort by author, title, type & year (the default). you can click on an author's name to see all the entries for that author. click on the title to get the full information that is on this site. (clicking on "abstract" will also give you this view).

i'm not sure yet what the other links are there on the page, i need to do a bit more work on it to understand it all. but it's possible to import entries from other formats such as endnote, & there is a lot of other customisation that can be done with the module. for now i have left it mostly on the default settings, to first of all see if it's going to be useful, & then to see how we want to use it.

note - the very first entry (palladini) is for some reason linking to the event post that was created for the launch of this book, rather than to the biblio entry. drupal does this occasionally when there are 2 content nodes with the same information, it seems to only be able to cope with one format & i'm not sure how to change it. so don't take the first one as an example of how they all should be, it's the rest of them that are the correct format.

so, have a play, & let me know if you'd like to try entering some further entries.

h : )
