Staging Gender - report from WPIC 2012

Dear friends of WPI and all participants of the Stockholm Conference!
Through the link below, you'll find STAGING SISTERHOOD, the documentary magazine made by FUL, the Swedish feminist artist collective that followed the conference on the very spot. - click on the link in the margin to the right.
It's a 48 pages document, hopefully easy for you to open and print. Feel free to use it as an example of what WPI stands for. To show colleagues who might want to join WPI. To people and organisations who might be able to support us. Of course, you can also use WPIC 2012 in Stockholm Sweden - the report that's on the web site too.
Coming August you'll get more info on how to submit your plays for the Cape Town Conference in July 2015.
Till then, hope you all will have a creative, inspiring time.
Submitted by admin on 27 June 2013.