the actor as creator
2 April 2012 to 27 April 2012
TATWERK: Hasenheide 9, Gewerbehof Aufgang I, 3. Stock, 10967 Berlin
Mon-Fri, 12-15h
physical and vocal training, creation tools for actors: intensive theatre workshop with Christina Kyriazidi


The dramaturgy of the actor is the organic dramaturgy of the performance and concerns the way of composing and interweaving the dynamisms, the rhythms and the physical and vocal actions of the actors, in order to stimulate sensorially the attention of the spectator.
Eugenio Barba

The workshop proposes an exploration on different processes of self-creation: the generation of organic material and the procedure of montage and final elaboration.

It parts from the principle that, the actor’s body must be studied with conscience, aiming towards both the physical awareness in movement, and the body/mind connection that permits the expression to exceed the form, and the actor to acquire a powerful presence.

We will work simultaneously towards 2 directions:

Vertical direction: the connection between movement and its’ internal necessity (impulse), stretching the difference between form and in/formation.

Horizontal direction: the technique of montage of different images in an evocative way.

The participants will create individually a score of physical and vocal actions that can be repeated with detail and precision and be able to communicate a story, through a dynamic narration.


o   Training: body/mind connection, spherical awareness, breathing, rhythm, flow, resistance, energy, concentration, balance/unbalance, work with weight

o   Creation: difference movement/action, construction of physical and vocal scores of actions, interaction between organic and narrative dramaturgy, repetition, relation body/space, improvisation/connection between text/body.

Directed to actors and theatre directors.


Cost: 160 euro, ***100 euro for TATWERK students
Contact: Christina Kyriazidi


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